Friday of the Fourth Week of Easter

Today’s readings

There’s a funny picture I have seen go around on social media fairly often. It’s a picture of a student’s math test, and the student was clearly stumped. So he or she wrote in, “Jesus is the answer.” But the teacher corrected it in red, and wrote, “Not to this question it isn’t!”

Probably the most urgent task of our lives is to find our way.  Lots of people get hung up on that: often in happens in young adulthood, or perhaps even later.  They lose their way and maybe they don’t even know where they are going.  Thomas gives voice to that kind of thing which the other disciples were probably experiencing as well: we don’t know where you’re going, we don’t know where we are supposed to go, so how can we know the way?

At some level though, we know the goal is heaven, that’s where we are supposed to go. We know we want to be there in the afterlife, but we forget, or we never realize, that getting there in the afterlife means finding it now.  The disciples thought they didn’t know the way, and maybe we think that too.  But really they, and we, have always known the Way, and also the Truth, and also the Life. Because it’s Jesus, it’s always been Jesus, it will always be Jesus. Jesus is the answer!

To get to heaven, we just have to follow the Way.  Now, and in the life to come.

Christ is risen.  He is risen indeed.  Alleluia.

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